Playmate of the Year назвал имя самой сексуальной украинки года по версии издания Playboy

На днях состоялась ежегодная церемония Playmate of the Year, в рамках которой издание Playboy выбирает самых красивых и сексуальных девушек мира. Украина не осталась в стороне от столь яркого события, приурочив к нему шумную вечеринку в столичном ресторане Boho. 

Той самой, снискавшей корону пикантного мужского издания, стала Адель Вакула, получившая к званию массу ценных подарков от партнёров события: изысканные швейцарские часы Technomarine, представленные в Украине эксклюзивным дистрибьютором Vallee du Luxe, а также набор парфюмов от модного дома Paco Rabanne. 


Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018


Атмосферу безудержного веселья Лас-Вегаса создавали коктейли на основе виски Jim Beam Black, а также реальные игры от первого украинского онлайн покер-рума PokerMatch. 

Ведущим вечера стал обаятельный Макс Назаров, а настроение разгоряченной публики поддерживали dj-сет Яны KENZIRO, а также выступления Michelle Andrade, Oleynik и Антонио Гомеса Круса.


Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018

Playmate of the Year 2018


Текст: Татьяна Савельева

Фото: Генсюровский Евгений, Игорь Тищенко, Александр Цыбин


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